
Advanced Care Planning

The Terrace Hospice Society and the BC Centre for Palliative Care have partnered to present public workshops for Advance Care Planning (ACP).

Death Café

What on earth is a Death Café you might ask? Death Café gatherings are held internationally and are dedicated to discussing death publicly with the aim of normalizing conversations around death and dying.

Lending Library

Featuring the TRHN's extensive reading list, our books cover topics around death, dying, caregiving, and grieving.  You can browse our library online or come in to our office.

Individual Assistance

Our visiting volunteer program is a valuable service where trained volunteers offer companionship to palliative patients in the community.

Visiting volunteers provide much-needed respite for caregivers and a kind and compassionate presence for individuals in need of emotional and practical support.

Our volunteers undergo a comprehensive hospice training course that teaches skills such as active listening and empathic communication. They are also equipped to offer practical support; from advance care planning and navigating palliative resources within the community, to helping with small tasks such as providing transportation to appointments and shopping. Above all, the volunteer is someone who will listen and provide compassionate emotional support.

  • We help connect caregivers to resources and community supports.
  • Respite. Volunteers are able to sit with a persons loved one while they take a break, visit with a friend, or run errands. 
  • Educational workshops which run once a month
  • Fiber arts group every Tuesday from 1-3pm. Caregivers are invited to socialize and enjoy some self care.
  • Peer to Peer support every last Wednesday of the month. Those caring for individuals who have a life altering illness are invited to share their experiences with like minded peers.

For those uncomfortable discussing grief in a group setting, TRHN offers one-on-one facilitator-led or peer-to-peer sessions. These sessions can include a calm chat over a cup of coffee or a more intensive programs such as the Grief Recovery Method described below. In any case, grief support is tailored to the wants and needs of the client and we hope to offer consolation that connects with community, culture, or any other valuable connection clients benefit from.

The Grief Recovery Method is a program for those who don’t feel comfortable in a group setting and prefer to work 1 on 1. This 7-8 session format offers a safe, evidence-based environment for those grieving to take effective and lasting action, no matter the type of loss experienced. These are led by Grief Recovery Method Specialists, trained, and certified by the Grief Recovery Institute.

Learn More!

Our belief is that no one should die alone unless that is their preference. Volunteers can sit with clients and help them through their end-of-life journey, providing comfort and reassurance. Even if it is just holding space or holding their hand, or listening to music or reading with them, we will do our best to be present in those final hours.

People living with declining health often have unmet needs and social isolation resulting in poor quality of life. Many must make life changing decisions to accommodate new life realities. Getting around the community can become intensely challenging, and many do not know the services that are available to assist them. All of these things influence how people manage their health. Nav-Care volunteer navigators are trained to help with these needs.

What Can Nav-Care Volunteers Do?
  • Help locate local services and resources to help manage declining health
  • Help you get to where you need to go
  • Assist you in re-engaging in hobbies and other interests
  • Talk you through important decisions and future plans
  • Help relieve feelings of loneliness, isolation, and anxiety
  • Offer one-on-one relationships tailored to your needs
  • Book appointments