When you become a member of the Terrace Regional Hospice Network, you join a community that supports individuals and families through their grief or hospice journey. Your membership supports our vision of providing compassionate caregiver support, end-of-life care, and bereavement support groups within our community.

Non-profit organizations are accountable to the donors, funders, volunteers, program recipients, and the general public.

It is the active members of the Terrace Hospice Society that represents the voice of our community. As a member of TRHN you are entitled to vote at the AGM to elect our Board of Directors and approve any Annual Reports including financial statements. 

 Annual membership fees are $10 and are current from the time of payment until the end of the fiscal year. 

It is through our members that we can emphasize our dedication and strength as an organization, our members are our ambassadors. 

Become a member today by clicking the button below or visit our office during open hours!