My Uncle Keith Died
Category:Recommended by The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention In the United States suicide is the third leading cause of death for those between the ages of 10 and 24 and the second leading cause of death for American college students. The children’s book, My Uncle Keith Died describes the symptoms of depression. It also helps children understand why a depressed person may not seek help. By reading Cody’s questions and his mother’s answers about his uncle’s death, young readers will learn what to do if someone they know shows signs of depression. Early detection, intervention, and treatment for depression are critical for preventing suicides. My Uncle Keith Ded will answer some of these questions: How should I talk to my children about feelings of grief? How should I explain suicide to my children? What is depression? How does depression often lead to suicide? What is the difference between sadness and depression? What are the signs of depression? At the end of the book there is a discussion guide written by Julianne Cosentino, a licensed clinical social worker. This guide will deal with the type of questions children are likely to ask when their lives have been touched by suicide.